V2X integration and data analytics platform is a server-side software application enabling V2X services to improve the safety and efficiency of road traffic. V2X integration platform also allows access to high-resolution digital road maps and calculates KPIs of the vehicle control system.
V2X Smart Core is a V2X software stack delivered as a Software Development Kit (SDK) for various hardware platforms in transport, facilities and applications depending on the customer need. The deliverables include SDK and the Ready-To-Use implementation of V2X applications for RSU and OBU.
V2X Smart Core (V2SC) effectively uses the opportunities provided by V2X technology. V2SC software is installed on road-side units (RSU). The V2SC product significantly improves road safety, traffic efficiency, and additional options for autonomous driving.
V2X Smart Core (V2SC) effectively uses the opportunities provided by V2X technology. V2SC software is installed on vehicle on-board units (OBU). The V2SC product significantly improves road safety, traffic efficiency, and additional options for autonomous driving.
V2ROADS V2X products include software for vehicle On-board units (OBU), infrastructure Road side units (RSU) and Server (Cloud) platforms. Together with partners we deliver turnkey integrated V2X solutions including software and hardware.